Gwen Klassen, Founder and Creative Director

Philosophies and Pillars of my artistic practice, as a performer, teacher, MWL Coach, as well as Founder & Creative Director of The Flute Retreat.
Music and Creativity are sacred to me.
I practice resilience & recovery in the face of change.
I engage in authentic practice and listening through creativity, courage,
compassion, kindness, laughter & gratitude.
I am committed to the process, not only the outcome.
Personal Statement
By my 30's I had achieved the career goals I had set for myself earlier in life. i.e., an orchestral job and teaching at a University. I enjoyed my work but that little voice inside said to keep exploring. So I began to seek a deeper understanding of relationship to self, colleagues, the audience and students. To explore how I could perform and teach in “the zone” more often. This 15 year long exploration has led to inspiring insights and connections and I'm thrilled every year to be able to present them at The Flute Retreat. I have completed my Life Coach training and eagerly await what's next!
I created The Flute Retreat in order to provide other fluters with the resources which have inspired me and have seen me through Life's chapters, transitions and transformations!
"Wibb! I have listened to his recordings since I began my flute studies. That sound! What an honour and privilege it was to hear him live every day for a week each year for 12 years! It was and is a transformative experience!
Lorna McGhee has had a tremendous influence on my playing and teaching of the flute. The combination of personal integrity, generosity and compassion with true artistry is powerful, and I am more of a flutist, musician and artist for hearing her perform and teach. Witnessing participants' freedom and expansion in Lorna & Gaby's co-led Masterclasses and technique classes is wondrous indeed!
Alex Conway joined our team in 2020, and I deeply value her calm wisdom and ability to get things done. One of Alex's many gifts is creating a sense of ease and safety for all of The Flute Retreat. She is a blessing indeed!
Stephanie Superle joined us August 2021 and it energizing to be around her marketing enthusiasm and expertise!
I am so honoured, humbled, and feel deeply grateful to everyone involved in the retreat."
Gwen Klassen
Founder and Creative Director, Pender Island Flute Retreat Inc
Music and Creativity are sacred to me.
I practice resilience & recovery in the face of change.
I engage in authentic practice and listening through creativity, courage,
compassion, kindness, laughter & gratitude.
I am committed to the process, not only the outcome.
Personal Statement
By my 30's I had achieved the career goals I had set for myself earlier in life. i.e., an orchestral job and teaching at a University. I enjoyed my work but that little voice inside said to keep exploring. So I began to seek a deeper understanding of relationship to self, colleagues, the audience and students. To explore how I could perform and teach in “the zone” more often. This 15 year long exploration has led to inspiring insights and connections and I'm thrilled every year to be able to present them at The Flute Retreat. I have completed my Life Coach training and eagerly await what's next!
I created The Flute Retreat in order to provide other fluters with the resources which have inspired me and have seen me through Life's chapters, transitions and transformations!
"Wibb! I have listened to his recordings since I began my flute studies. That sound! What an honour and privilege it was to hear him live every day for a week each year for 12 years! It was and is a transformative experience!
Lorna McGhee has had a tremendous influence on my playing and teaching of the flute. The combination of personal integrity, generosity and compassion with true artistry is powerful, and I am more of a flutist, musician and artist for hearing her perform and teach. Witnessing participants' freedom and expansion in Lorna & Gaby's co-led Masterclasses and technique classes is wondrous indeed!
Alex Conway joined our team in 2020, and I deeply value her calm wisdom and ability to get things done. One of Alex's many gifts is creating a sense of ease and safety for all of The Flute Retreat. She is a blessing indeed!
Stephanie Superle joined us August 2021 and it energizing to be around her marketing enthusiasm and expertise!
I am so honoured, humbled, and feel deeply grateful to everyone involved in the retreat."
Gwen Klassen
Founder and Creative Director, Pender Island Flute Retreat Inc