arrive on afternoon Ferry 6pm dinner 7pm welcome and workshop with Gwen . Monday Pender Islands Community Hall 9:00 Gwen MWL Workshop intuition 10:45 Wibb - Marcel Moyse 24 lunch 1-2 Carolyn Christie Mental Skills Workshop 2:15-4 Flute MC with WIBB (3) break 5-6pm Alexander technique workshop dinner 7-8 Lorna technique class free time/lessons/private sessions Tuesday Hope Bay Studio 9:00 Gwen MWL workshop ignition 10:45-12 Lorna/Gaby technique lunch PICH 1-2:00pm Wibb - Marcel Moyse 24 (downstairs) 2:15- 5:00 Flute MC with Lorna & Gaby (5) (upstairs) dinner free time/lessons/private sessions Wednesday Pender Islands Community Hall 9:00 Gwen MWL workshop imagination 10:45 - 12pm Wibb - Marcel Moyse 24 lunch 1-4 Flute Masterclass with Wibb (5) break 5-6 Lorna/Gaby technique dinner 7-9:30 Flute Masterclass with Lorna & Gaby (5) |
* schedule subject to change
Thursday Hope Bay Studio 9:00 Gwen MWL workshop integral knowing 10:45-12pm Lorna technique lunch @ PICH 1-2 Flute MC with WIBB (2) 2:15- 5:00 Lorna/Gaby MC (5) break dinner 7-8 Carolyn Christie Mental Skills workshop free time/lessons/private sessions Friday Pender Islands Community Hall 9:00 Gwen MWL workshop integration 10:45-12 Lorna technique lunch 1-4 Flute MC with WIBB (5) break 5-6 Alex Conway workshop dinner 7-8 Alexander technique workshop free time/lessons/private sessions Saturday free time lunch 1pm Faculty recital @ PI Community Hall 5-6pm closing workshop dinner Participant recital skit night Sunday catch morning ferry |