Leadership from within - To live from a place of alignment with ones’ core values, with a healthy ego and internal structure in order to receive feedback, not take it personally, develop, execute and evaluate an Action Plan - in service of a healthy work environment, music and community.
- Winning & losing auditions, Resiliency, Mindfulness & Performance Psychology
- Flow and Fitness for Fluters, Glutes for Flutes
- Healthy Ego, Centering Rituals
- Empowerment and Surrender
- Creativity & Change
- Awareness & Choice
- Boundaries & boundlessness on stage, in the studio, and in relationship with children, friends, family, partners, work colleagues and organizations.
- Body & Brain awareness - align mind, intuition, heart & soul with your highest purpose.
- Injury prevention/recovery, procrastination, blocks, intrinsic motivation.
- Tools to bring your vision to life - logical left brain in service of the creative right brain.